Liberty v. Tyranny
A River Fed By Many Streams
There is a long tradition of debating the right to resistance: What aspects of that tradition were most influential in forming the Declaration mindset?
There is a long tradition of debating the right to resistance: What aspects of that tradition were most influential in forming the Declaration mindset?
Published July 2024
What kind of education is necessary for a citizenry that takes the Declaration seriously?
Published August 2024
Does the Declaration offer us any permanent guidance in thinking constitutionally?
Published September 2024
Writing a Declaration that could secure support required compromises and negotiations: How did these compromises chart the course of, or delay the recognition of equality for coming generations?
Published October 2024
Does technology fundamentally alter the basis for representative government? Does it give us cause to reconsider the principles of the Declaration?
Published November 2024
How important are religious and Enlightenment ideas to the concepts in the Declaration? Are these influences necessarily in conflict?
Published December 2024
Why do we find ourselves refighting the same debates between open markets and mercantilism that preoccupied the 18th century?
Published January 2025
What in the Founders’ education prepared them to be able to craft the Declaration? To what degree did it challenge the ideals of empire?
Published February 2025
What sustains liberty? Does the Declaration offer a model for future political resistance to tyrants?
Coming in March 2025
The Declaration did not just declare American independence, but implicitly declared war on England. What happens to the voices of loyalists in the shadow of the revolution?
Coming in April 2025
What is the constitutional importance of the Declaration of Independence?
Coming in May 2025
Shifts in our prevailing philosophies and theologies seem to make the Declaration’s ideals little more than a pleasant fiction. What would we need to bring the Declaration back into a place of primacy in our common life?
Coming in June 2025
The Declaration served as a model for countless later revolutions and rebellions against authority. How has the legacy of these revolutions shaped our world today?
Coming in July 2025
Education is increasingly technological and individualized. Can this be conducive to producing citizens who share a common set of political ideals?
Coming in August 2025
How did the multi-stranded Western legal tradition help frame the Declaration?
Coming in September 2025
The Declaration sets out standards for the just conduct of government: To what degree are these still relevant to American politics today?
Coming in October 2025
What must we consider going forward to fulfill the Declaration’s claim that we are self-evidently equal?
Coming in November 2025
Both the Declaration and Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations were published in 1776. Do these works share similar preoccupations and concerns?
Coming in December 2025
Modern Americans live with a kind of religious and cultural diversity that the Founders would have a hard time imagining. Does the Declaration offer us the tools to help navigate these differences and dissensions?
Coming in January 2026
Contemporary debates over the Declaration and America’s founding suggest that the Declaration enshrines inequality at the core of our public life. How do the political compromises that were necessary to agree on the Declaration continue to haunt us?
Coming in February 2026
How did the Declaration seek to vindicate the political rights of the colonists?
Coming in March 2026
Many of the colonists’ complaints centered on unjust taxation. To what extent do those complaints continue to be relevant today?
Coming in April 2026
Has the model of representative government embraced by the Founders stood the test of time? Is it a dead hand holding us back or the backbone of our liberty?
Coming in May 2026
Does the Declaration offer a practical framework for future decisions regarding just war?
Coming in June 2026
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