Theology & Philosophy

Liberty, Political Neutrality, and Religion


Conferees explored how a public position of neutrality is compatible with religious life and religious liberty in a free society.


Conference Readings

Augustine. City of God. London: Penguin Classics, 1987.

Devlin, Patrick. The Enforcement of Morals. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, Inc., 1996.

Diekema, Douglas. “Parental Refusals of Medical Treatment: The Harm Principle as Threshold for State Intervention.” Theoretical Medicine (2004): 243-264.

Fried, Ginnie. “The Collision of Church and State: A Primer to Beth Din Arbitration and the New York Secular Courts.” Fordham Urban Law Journal 1, no. 2 (2003): 633-655.

Habermas, Jurgen, “‘The Political’: The Rational Meaning of a Questionable Inheritance of Political Theology” In The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere, edited by Eduardo Mendieta and Jonathan VanAntwerpen, 15-33. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.

Hart, H. L. A. Law, Liberty, and Morality. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1963.

Locke, John. A Letter Concerning Toleration. Edited by James H. Tully. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1983.

Rawls, John. “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited.” The University of Chicago Law Review (Summer 1997): 765-807.

Spinoza, Benedict de. Theological-Political Treatise. Edited by Jonathan Israel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Taylor, Charles, “Why We Need a Radical Redefinition of Secularism” In The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere, edited by Eduardo Mendieta and Jonathan Vanantwerpen, 34-59. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011.

Vallier, Kevin. Liberal Politics and Public Faith: Beyond Separation. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Wolterstorff, Nicholas, “Why We Should Reject What Liberalism Tells Us About Speaking and Acting in Public for Religious Reasons” In Religion and Contemporary Liberalism, edited by Paul J. Weithman, 162-181. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1997.