
Liberty and the State in the Social Gospel Movement


In this colloquium, we looked not at the Progressive politicians who were influenced by the Social Gospel movement, but directly at the most important Social Gospel thinkers themselves. Our colloquium dealt largely with two seminal figures of the period (Walter Rauschenbusch and Richard T. Ely), in addition to drawing on the works of other important Social Gospel writers such as Josiah Strong and Washington Gladden.


Conference Readings

Ely, Richard. Social Aspects of Christianity. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, 1889.

Ely, Richard T.. In Introduction to Political Economy. New York: Chatauqua Press, 1889.

Gladden, Washington. Social Salvation. New York: Houghton Mifflin and Co., 1902.

Rauschenbusch, Walter. Christianizing the Social Order. New York: Macmillan Company, 1919.

Strong, Josiah. Our Country. New York: The Baker & Taylor Co., 1885.