
Armen Alchian’s Contributions to Liberty, Political Economy, and the Rule of Law


This conference discussed and illuminated Armen Alchian's contributions to understanding the economic foundations of a free society in six major areas: the economics of property rights, the meaning and measurements of output and costs, the theory of the firm, the effects of inflation, the behavior of governments and non-profits, and the rule of law.


Conference Readings

Alchian, Armen A. The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian, Volume 1: Choice and Cost Under Uncertainty. Edited by Daniel K. Benjamin. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2006.

Alchian, Armen A. The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian, Volume 2: Property Rights and Economic Behavior. Edited by Daniel K. Benjamin. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, Inc., 2006.

Brunner, Karl. "Knowledge, Values and the Choice of Economic Organization." Kyklos (1970): 558-579.

Manne, Henry G. The Collected Works of Henry G. Manne, Volumes I-III. Edited by Fred S. McChesney. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2010.