Theology & Philosophy

Liberty, Law, and Limited Government in Hume’s “Treatise”


This conference examined one of the central themes of Hume’s career through an investigation of his most systematic writing on the moral foundations of a free society, contained in part 2 of book 3 of his Treatise of Human Nature.


From Liberty Fund

Political Philosophy, Clearly

by By Anthony de Jasay
Edited and with an Introduction by Hartmut Kliemt

Anthony de Jasay, one of the most independent thinkers and influential libertarian political philosophers of our time, challenges the reigning paradigms justifying modern democratic government. The articles collected in Political Philosophy, Clearly delve deeply into the realm of political thought and philosophical criticism. A reader who is interested in a…

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Additional Readings

Raphael, D. D., eds. British Moralists, vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969.

Schneider, Louis, eds. The Scottish Moralists on Human Nature and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967.

Baier, Annette. A Progress of Sentiments. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991.

Hardin, Russell. David Hume: Moral and Political Theorist. Oxford: Clarendon, Oxford University Press, 2007.

Hayek, F. A. Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1: Rules and Order [Phoenix series]. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1973.

Hume, David. Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary. Edited by Eugene F. Miller. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985.

Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature [reprinted from the original edition in three volumes]. Edited by L. A. Selby-Bigge, M. A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896.

Mackie, John, L. Hume's Moral Theory. New York: Routledge and Keegan, 1980.

Postema, Gerald J. Bentham and the Common Law Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Sugden, Robert. “Spontaneous Order.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 3, no. 4 (Fall 1989): 85-97.

Taylor, Michael. The Possibility of Cooperation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.