The Founding Fathers Bundle

Group 39

Celebrating the foundations of American liberty.

By revisiting the timeless writings and visionary ideas of the Founding Fathers, we open a window into the Founding-era principles and values that continue to underpin America’s leading role in the world.
Explore with us.

$42.75 for all 5 books (50% off list price)

Hardcover $42.75

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This Independence Day, delve into Liberty Fund’s specially-curated Founding Fathers book bundle, a collection of insightful works that allow readers to view colonial America through the Founders’ eyes.

Explore the ideas that shaped our framework for government, sovereignty, and individual liberty with the revolutionary writings of Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. Gain insight on the lively debates over the role of the Republic in early America with The Spur of Fame and The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793–1794. Learn about the vibrant life of Gouverneur Morris from the signing of the Constitution to the French Revolution.

This well-rounded curation is for lovers of history, liberty, and philosophy—a must-have for any bookshelf.

Books included in the bundle:
The Revolutionary Writings of John Adams By John Adams
Selected with a Foreword by C. Bradley Thompson
The Revolutionary Writings of Alexander Hamilton By Alexander Hamilton
Edited and with an Introduction by Richard B. Vernier
Foreword by Joyce Appleby
The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793–1794 By Alexander Hamilton (Pacificus) and James Madison (Helvidius)
Edited and with an Introduction by Morton J. Frisch
The Spur of Fame Edited by John A. Schutz and Douglass Adair
To Secure the Blessings of Liberty By Gouverneur Morris
Edited and with an Introduction by J. Jackson Barlow
