Political Theory

Liberty and Market Society in Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau


The colloquium explored Smith's and Rousseau's views on freedom and the market society by comparing Smith's optimism toward the natural progress of opulence and his confidence in the system of natural liberty with Rousseau's pessimism about the society of self-love and appearances. Participants examined their views on the best social and economic organizations for freedom to understand what freedom means for each one of them.


From Liberty Fund

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

by By Adam Smith
Edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie

The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith’s first and in his own mind most important work, outlines his view of proper conduct and the institutions and sentiments that make men virtuous. Here he develops his doctrine of the impartial spectator, whose hypothetical disinterested judgment we must use to distinguish right from…

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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (vol. 1)

by By Adam Smith
Edited by R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner
William B. Todd, Textual Editor

First published in 1776, the year in which the American Revolution officially began, Smith’s Wealth of Nations sparked a revolution of its own. In it Smith analyzes the major elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other government policies that…

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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (vol. 2)

by By Adam Smith
Edited by R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner
William B. Todd, Textual Editor

First published in 1776, the year in which the American Revolution officially began, Smith’s Wealth of Nations sparked a revolution of its own. In it Smith analyzes the major elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other government policies that…

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Lectures on Jurisprudence

by By Adam Smith
Edited by R. L. Meek, D. D. Raphael, and P. G. Stein

Smith’s Lectures on Jurisprudence, originally delivered at the University of Glasgow in 1762–1763, presents his “theory of the rules by which civil government ought to be directed.” The chief purpose of government, according to Smith, is to preserve justice; and “the object of justice is security from injury.” The state…

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Additional Readings

Leigh, R. A. Correspondence Complète De Rousseau. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2004.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, “Consideraciones sobre el Gobierno de Polonia y su proyecto de reforma” In Proyecto de Constitución para Córcega. Consideraciones sobre el Gobierno de Polonia y su proyecto de reforma, edited by Antonio Hermosa Andújar, 68-73. Madrid: Tecnos, 1988.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Emilio o De la educación. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1990.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Del Contrato Social o Principios del Derecho político. Translated by Mariano Moreno. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2012.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres. Translated by Ángel Pumarega. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 1999.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Discurso sobre la economía política. Bogota: Librodot.com, 2004.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. The Discourses and other early political writings. Edited by Victor Gourevitch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. On the Social Contract: with Geneva Manuscript and Political Economy. Edited by Roger D. Masters and Judith R. Masters. Boston and New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1978.