A Maverick’s Defense of Freedom
Selected Writings and Speeches of Benjamin A. Rogge

By Benjamin A. Rogge
Edited and with an Introduction by Dwight R. Lee


This new collection of fifty-three essays, many of which have never before been published, gathers some of Benjamin Rogge’s most interesting talks and writings spanning a vast array of topics including the case for individual liberty and responsibility in maintaining the free-market economy, the nature of economics, the business system, labor markets, money and inflation, and education.

Benjamin A. Rogge (1920–1980) was Distinguished Professor of Political Economy at Wabash College. He was also the author of Can Capitalism Survive?, published by Liberty Fund.

Dwight R. Lee is William J. O’Neil Professor of Global Markets and Freedom at Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business.


Jul 2010 | 6 x 9 | 440 Pages

Editor's introduction, index.


978-0-86597-784-6 Hardcover
978-0-86597-785-3 Paperback